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K-1 Tax Information for Sunoco LP Investors

View NuStar Energy LP


What is a K-1 and when should I expect to receive it?

A K-1 is a tax document related to your units in Sunoco LP that you will need to prepare your annual income tax return. It’s like a 1099 that you would receive from a corporation reporting dividends paid, but it is more detailed.

We mail paper copies of the SUN K-1 in mid-March each year, but Sunoco LP unitholders may also retrieve the data online.

How can I request a K-1 from previous years?

For additional information regarding investor data or for copies of K-1s from prior tax years, please contact Tax Package Support toll-free at 1-844-289-8131 Monday­–Friday, 8:00 am–5:00 pm Central Standard Time (CST).

What is a K-3 and when should I expect to receive it?

A limited number of unitholders (primarily foreign unitholders, unitholders computing a foreign tax credit on their tax return and certain corporate and/or partnership unitholders) may need the detailed information disclosed on Schedule K‐3 for their specific reporting requirements. To the extent Schedule K‐3 is applicable to your federal income tax return filing needs, we encourage you to review the information contained on this form and refer to the appropriate federal laws and guidance or consult with your tax advisor

Sunoco LP K-3s are expected to be available online by June 30th each year and are retrievable from the Tax Package Sign In.


Download K-1 and K-3 Info

Tax Package Sign In



8:00 am - 5:00 pm, CST


Sunoco LP Tax Package Support

PO Box 799060
Dallas, TX 75379-9060

Tax Information FAQ

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Master limited partnerships (MLPs) can be a tax-efficient means of transferring assets of an estate. When an individual inherits units in an MLP, the cost basis is reset to the price of the unit on the date of transfer. Thus, the tax liability created by the reduction of the original unitholder’s cost basis is eliminated..

That said, we recommend you consult directly with your own legal and tax advisors, as every situation is unique.

We recommend that you consult with your tax advisor, as each investors’ tax situation is unique. For the majority of investors, placing a tax-shielded investment like a master limited partnership (MLP) unit into a tax-shielded IRA is typically not the most tax-efficient way to invest. That’s because MLPs generate what is known as “unrelated business taxable income” (UBTI), and certain tax-exempt investment vehicles such as 401(k)s or IRAs would be subject to tax on MLP holdings.

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