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Mystery Shoppers Tell it Like it Is

April 25, 2024 | 2 Minutes Read Time

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When we become used to our surroundings and life routines, it becomes easy to overlook little (and even big) things that are more obvious to others. Our places of business are no exception, so where do we turn for honest, thoughtful, and objective feedback? 

Enter the mystery shopper. He or she walks through a typical customer experience with a keen eye for certain details. Take a retail fuel station for example – a mystery shopper will evaluate nearly every aspect of a customer visit from the pump to the restroom to checkout. They’re considering exterior and interior station cleanliness and organization, customer service, and more.

Here are common areas for station owners that can make or break your customer experience: 

  1. Lighting: Station lighting is important for customers to feel safe. If your station isn't well-lit, your nighttime fuels will suffer. Ample LED lighting in your canopy and around your convenience store helps customers feel more secure.
  2. Cleanliness: Station cleanliness translates to business.
  3. Restrooms: If your restrooms are clean and reliable, you're more likely to become a favored pit stop for customers. Pit stops translate to higher fuel and inside sales.  

Having objective feedback helps you maximize your station’s appeal to your customers and helps you stand out from the competition. Customer experience is an important differentiator, and a comprehensive mystery shop program is one way Sunoco helps you gain valuable feedback.

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